Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gaming in the libray

The goal of the games in the library is to attract new patrons, especially teens, and to reinforce community bonding. Having this in mind I would take the following steps in deciding which games would better serve the community needs.

As I am not a gamer myself I would first play different types of games, from simple ones and to complex MMOs. Then I would explore the demographical and other census data relating to the library community. I would conduct a formal or informal survey of the users, perhaps differentiated by age, to determine what games they would prefer to play. What kind of space the library can provide for gaming activities would be another consideration to take into account. Budget limitations would also greatly influence my decision.

All this assessed, I will evaluate the games themselves: their complexity, attractiveness to the users (based of the preliminary survey), price tag including cost of implementation and maintenance.

I would start small gradually increasing the complexity of the gaming experience. Dance Dance Revolution would be my first choice as it is simple and appealing to teens and adults alike.

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