Sunday, June 8, 2008

StumbleUpon is worth stumbling upon

I found this site surfing del.ici.ous. The site allows people discovering and rating web pages, photos and videos. Pages are rated by site users applying one of three criteria: thumbs up, thumbs down and neutral. Based on the cumulative ratings the system chooses how prominently the page is displayed. The goal is to form communities of web surfers with shared interests. The site is easy to browse as it includes social tagging as well as well-defined main categories. StumbleUpon subscribers can participate in moderated forums that are full of information on a given topic.

Unfortunately, as in many cases, the site uses its knowledge of user preferences to post targeted ads. In addition, some prominently positioned pages are sponsored ones that are not explicitly described as such (they have a gentle green mark, but one can only guess what this means).


jwscils598x08 said...

Oh goodness, there we go again... headed to the society in the book "Feed"!!!!

Sounds like an interesting site though! LOL

Anonymous said...

Now where have I heard of those targeted ads? OH Yeah! Feed! It has begun!